
Rest in Peace, Kristie

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On Monday the 23rd of January 2023, our beloved Kristie died peacefully at home, surrounded by love. We will love and miss her forever.      Chris and the Gibson


I shat myself today.

By | bowel cancercancerhumour

I was seven metres from our main bathroom. I had overdosed on laxatives trying to counter the large amount of analgesic medication I am currently taking. My fellow lounge dwellers


A new phase…

By | bowel cancercancer

An update for you all. So I am sitting in our lounge room looking at the most magnificent Christmas tree which is as tall as the ceiling and smells of


Palliative but let’s rethink it…

By | bowel cancercancer

Remember how I described our wedding day as perfect? It was. In every way. But in the week leading up to the event I was starting to worry about how


Oh what a perfect day!

By | cancer

Have you ever had a perfect day? The kind of day you might have actually been apprehensive about and then it arrives and everything just happens in this beautiful, magical


Dear Parents

By | cancer

Dear Parents, I was going to share these thoughts at our wedding next week but they need more space and a wider audience. We have been a blended family since


And then there was Hector…

By | Uncategorized

Content warning: Gross stuff ahead. I’ve been tossing up whether to post this one. It’s possibly too much, even for me. But I’ve consulted some trusted advisors and they agree


Say it Now

By | humour

I overheard some do-gooder on the television the other night describing her cancer journey (yes, she used that word…maybe that’s what got my attention and my back up) as a


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